Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Komputer (ANBK)
ANBK is an application that allows participants to carry out national assessments organized by PUSMENDIK and allows the Admin from PUSMENDIK to manage the implementation of test activities starting from managing participants, proctors to test questions and their schedules.
Project Goals
The target of the ANBK project is that it can be used from the implementation of the Equivalency Test to the implementation of AN from SMA and Equivalent, SMK, SMP and Elementary School and Equivalent levels in 2023. In the future, ANBK will be further developed with the addition of the latest features containing information makes it easier for users to carry out their test activities
The Challenge
Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Abolition of the National Examination, it will be replaced with a Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK) process.
With this ANBK process or activity, an application is needed to maximize ANBK test participants and admins in carrying out test activities.

List Features

Student Web
It is the main website used by students, from elementary to high school and equivalent levels, to carry out data confirmation activities, test confirmation and test implementation.

Helpdesk Web
The website is used by the Helpdesk role to carry out participant monitoring activities, proctor management and test status.

Admin Web
The website is used by the Admin role to manage data starting from the Helpdesk, Proctor, Test Status, Access Rights, Participants, to monitoring participant activity.

Proctor Web
Application users with the role of proctor can use the ANBK web application to monitor participant activities, participant status, participant list, test groups, processing reports and so on.
Backend Web Developer
DevOps Engineer
Frontend Web Developer
Project Manager
System Analyst
UI/UX Designer
Quality Assurance
App Development Technology
Cloud and Infrastructure
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